Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jacó: Turtle Surprise!

Sorry I'm a little behind on posts. School has been keeping me pretty busy. I'll make sure to update the blog more frequently...

Jessica, Gabrielle, and I went to Jacó two weekends ago for a short getaway. We had fun laying on the beach, exploring the town, and enjoying an awesome surprise.  

Beach Pic
A Yellow Bellied Sea Snake we found on the beach
Something very unexpected happened during our time in Jacó. A turtle came to the beach to lay her eggs in the sand! Late September through early November is the season when turtles return to the beaches where they were born to lay their eggs. Jacó isn't know for being a popular destination to witness turtles laying eggs, but apparently it happens.
I had the privilege of watching the turtle lay her eggs from about 15 feet away. It was amazing. After she was finished, the eggs were collected to be taken to a refuge at Playa Hermosa. There has been an on going problem with the local stealing turtle eggs to eat them. It is common to add hot sauce to the raw egg and then slurp it out of the shell. Turtle eggs are sold on the street for about $5 an egg. So much for valuing an endangered species. The police are notified when a turtle comes to the beach; I just hope the man collecting the eggs was official. I trust that he was doing the right thing.
I watched the turtle push herself back to the ocean and swim away. What an awesome experience!

I didn't take any picture of the turtle because one, it disturbs and disillusions the turtles. And two, I just wanted to experience the nature of it for what it was.

Sea turtle
This is a picture I found on the internet but its almost identical to the turtle I saw.


  1. somehow I don't think I would enjoy hot sauce and raw turtle guts : P haha. I wish I could have seen it though it sounds like a really cool experience, especially because turtles are super awesome. As for the snake, good thing you didn't let it bite you. It looks pretty menacing. - Ryan

  2. Seeing the turtle lay her eggs really brings it full circle, having swam with sea turtles in the Caribbean and Hawaii. That was one of the major achievement sightings on the list when we were in Galapagos. You are so eco-lucky! And what a beautiful should count how many different beaches you have visited....might be some kind of record!
    Love you, Dad

  3. Hi Sydney. What a great experience you had watching the turtle lay her eggs. Thanks for sharing it on your blog. Your blogs have been so interesting. I really enjoy reading them. Changing the subject I had the best time yesterday with your family at the Bronco game tailgating and cheering the Broncos on to a big win over the early birthday present! Love, Miss Ann

  4. Wow! I am so jealous! Very few people have ever experienced this event. The fact that you didn't take pictures really impresses me. To see such an event and store it inside is very special and will always stay with you. I just don't know how Kansas is gonna compare when you come home!!!!your are coming home,right? Love you mom
