Saturday, June 9, 2012

Quick trip & Pictures

We went to Guadalupe (a province in with about 21,000 people in San José) to visit Soli's aunt (tía) and cousins (primos). Everyone was very nice to me, as usual. "Tía" made some of the most delicious pozole (a traditional soup of pork, corn, and spices) and I was lucky enough to get a whole bowl full. It is definitely one of my Costa Rican favorites. The drive to Tía's was only thirty minutes, but we passed by a petroleum refinery and what seemed like some of the less affluent areas of San José. I'm glad I tagged along. 

After we got back to the house it started to pour. I went for a walk around my neighborhood and took some pictures when it had stopped raining.

Taken from the car on the way to Guadalupe

A hibiscus flower 

Stop sign 

My neighborhood sign 

First street I walk down every morning 

The sleeping dogs I pass by everyday
(I haven't given them names yet)

Secure community sign 

Aloe plant in front of my house


  1. im glad you went and had a good time!!!! but you need to hurry up and name the dogs before you find out their real names. that wont be as fun. I MISS YOU!!! - Ryan

  2. Lucky you to have such a nice host family.kipper and daisy are glad you get to ae other dogs,but want you to know they miss you.

  3. Hi Sydney. Looks like you are having a good time and learning a great deal. Be safe at those crossing sites AND stay away from those dogs (I don't care how much they sleep). Pam just returned from Ohio today. Good to have her back. Have a good week at school. r/ Uncle Kevin

  4. John has ansi a for pazole!
