Monday, July 16, 2012


Back to my vacation...
From Santa Elena we set out for Malpaís/ Santa Teresa (the two places are separated by a five minute walk). We took multiple buses and a ferry to get there, but ultimately we made it. We stayed in a big hostel and met some cool people. Malpaís is known for it's good surfing and rocky beaches. During the time we were there, the waves were huge. The tidal pull of the moon was causing the waves to be much larger than usual. Consequently it was not advisable to swim in the ocean, even for strong swimmers and surfers. Regardless, the beach was still pretty and I had fun walking along the shore looking for shells and playing with hermit crabs.
To celebrate The 4th of July we headed down to the beach to watch the sunset over the ocean. Obviously the 4th of July isn't celebrated in Costa Rica. It was strange thinking about where I was and what I was doing in comparison to what I would have been doing if I had been in the states. Instead of shooting off fireworks, we all went out to a local bar with some of the people from the hostel and danced the night away to celebrate. Happy 4th of July to us!

The beach 

The sunset
(it was almost too cloudy)

My new friend 


  1. The hermit crab is a cutie. Should have taken him back with you haha. The beach looks really nice. I'm happy that you still got to celebrate the 4th with people, even if you didn't blow anything up. - Ryan

  2. Glad you didn't go in the water.No pets allowed to come home with you from Costa Rica!

  3. Muy tuanis, por cierto!! One of the slang expressions used in the Latino world for "what's up" or "how's it going" is "que onda?" which literally translates to "what's the wave" (your beach picture reminded me of that). Try it out on your ticos.
