Monday, July 16, 2012

Grupo Picnic

On Sunday the entire Kansas group, families included, got together for a picnic in the park. Unfortunately my family was out of town so they couldn't join me, but they were there in spirit. I really enjoyed meeting the other families and playing games with everyone's host moms. It was especially cool that we all played together and just had a good time: pure fun. We played frisbee and tug-of-war until lunch was ready (well, actually until the rope snapped). The food was prepared by a catering company, but we all sat on the ground picnic style. After lunch we played a pick up game of soccer. I haven't played soccer in roughly five years, but I had a blast. By no means was I a superstar; that didn't matter though. The picnic couldn't have better.


  1. I'm glad you had fun, and that I wasn't there for you to show me up and make me look bad at soccer : ) - Ryan

  2. But even aspiring to be an extranjero soccer star in CR is saying something. Were you keeper?
