Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Santa Elena: Waterfalls of San Luis

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I haven't been feeling that great; I went to the doctor and found out I had ear and tonsil infections. I've taken the prescribed antibiotics and I feel much better now. 

Back to my vacation...
We made it to Monteverde. Well actually, we stayed in a nearby town called Santa Elena because it usually has fewer tourists. We stayed in a really cool hostel that was staffed by guys who made the stay worthwhile. They guided us around Santa Elena and showed us unique things that otherwise might have been hard to get to. Plus, they taught us some new card games and were fun to be around. 
Both Santa Elena and Monteverde are known for their lush cloud forests. A cloud forest is a forest that has persistent cloud coverage. The moisture from the clouds makes the environment extremely moist and humid: perfect for plant and moss growth. Thus, the forest is incredibly green and full of life. I visited the cloud forest twice during our time in Santa Elena. The first time was a hike through the cloud forest to get to the San Luis Waterfall (I'll write about the second time in my next post). 
We hiked for about an hour and a half to reach the waterfall. With Esteban (a staff member from the hostel) as our guide, all four of us set out to find the waterfall. Hiking through the forest of tall, old trees on a dirt path was an incredible experience. Everything was so green and beautiful! 
Finally we reached the waterfall. The waterfall was so impressive; I feel like a picture below doesn't even do the size and beauty of the waterfall justice. At 330 ft, the waterfall is nothing less than inspiring. The best part was that we could climb to a ledge at the side of the waterfall and jump into the pool below (it was only about a 10-15 foot jump). The water was so cold, but it was worth it! I had a lot of fun. 

The Trail Through The Forest 

The waterfall 
(I'm the second person waiting in line to jump into the pool)

The Group 
(Tor, Jess, Me, Frank)


  1. I'm sorry you've been sick lately : ( i wish i could take care of youuu. But I'm glad you are feeling better. That waterfall looks super cool. Atleast you were brave enough to jump off the ledge into it. Looks exciting. So does the path, better stay on that or you might never find your way out haha - Ryan

  2. WOW no pictures of Rainforest or waterfall spiders???? I am impressed you jumped-good for you. Please get some rest and take care of those infections. By the way you didn't need to tell us you were second one in line-the glow in the dark completion gives it away..teehee! Love you Mom

  3. So gladyou are feeling better. We do enjoy reading your blog. I've written each time but for some reason I,m doing something wrong for it won't send. Maybe this time. I'll bet it was exciting jumping into the cold water. the waterfall looks beautiful.
    Love ya Grandma and Grandpa

  4. Hi Sydney, I loved reading about your hike and the waterfall in the cloud forest. Brave girl you are, jumping in the water! Your pictures are so much fun to see. Sorry you've been sick. Feel better soon and take good care of yourself. All is well here. Going to F.C. Friday to see the little girls before they head off to Montana and the cabin. Love, Miss Ann

  5. Looks like still shots from a true Hollywood adventure movie.....maybe Tarzan or Indiana Jones! Way cool, girl. Wonder if the other Grupo de Kansas people who chilled in San Jose were jealous.
    Love you, Dad
