Monday, August 20, 2012

BBQ at Zaida's!

Zaida, our group coordinator, invited the entire group and students from the English as a second language class she teaches over to her house for a barbecue on Saturday. 

I took on the challenge of grilling chicken and beef for around 25 people because no one else knew how. It was good grilling practice and I think I did a pretty good job (given the fact that everyone liked their meat). 
After everyone ate we chatted with the other students, danced around the living room, and played our own version of bilingual scrabble. It was a great time. 

Talking with the students who were learning English was really cool. The conversations would intermittently switch between Spanish and English. If a native English speaker was carrying on a conversation in Spanish and didn't know a word, somehow by mixing the two languages the word's meaning was figured out and everyone understood (and vice versa). The way the conversations unfolded was really interesting. Practicing Spanish and helping other people with their English was a neat experience and I walked away feeling like I had learned something new. 

Me and Margo manning the grill

Me and Gabrielle


  1. Sounds like you have a great coordinator with all the fun stuff she plans. Must have been cool speaking with the english as a second language class and teaching eachother words and phrases. Seems like something right up your alley. Glad you had fun! - Ryan

  2. Well I guess when you come home you will have to do some grilling, since i personally have never seen you grill anything :) How many times did you stab yourself with the grilling fork?SOunds like a great time and a really good way to practice spanish. Love you Mom

  3. Awesome decsription of the bridge-building between not quite fluent groups of mulilinguals, and yes, a great way to learn. The cafe chat magnified:) Zaida had been billed as someone special....she lives up to her rep. Way to go on the grill fire!!
    Love you, Dad

  4. Hi Sydney from your long lost Miss Ann! I've not forgotten you and want you to know Maya and I spent alot of time Saturday reading your blog and looking at pictures of you, your friends and your travels. She loved it. So did I! I'm traveling to Michigan soon for a week to visit cousins and high school friends. I always love to make this trip back to my roots! Glad you're liking school and this whole experience. Yes! We need to get you out to the grill cooking next time we're together...who knew?!!
