Friday, August 17, 2012

Class #2: FL 2160

Every Tuesday at 1 pm I have my first class of the day: Gramática Española de Lenguas Modernas (Spanish Grammar of Modern Languages/ Fl 2160).
My professor is awesome. Marta is cool and in-touch with her students. On the first day she jokingly inquired about every one's beer consumption. I especially like how she makes the extra effort to check with the foreigners after class to make sure we understood everything (there are two other KU students in the class). She has spent many years teaching English as a second language, so I'm confident in her patience and teaching abilities.
This course is all about syntax and sentence structure: a lot of memorization. Sounds pretty boring, right? Fortunately my professor is a great lecturer: engaging and easy to understand. I sat attentively through her three hour long lecture... that says something. Oh, and the blister on my thumb from taking pages and pages of notes? That says something, too.
So far this is my favorite class.

Here's a picture of a butterfly that I took earlier this trip. 
(I like this picture and I like this class, so they get to go on the same blog page)


  1. Pretty butterfly! haha. Good thing your teacher is engaging or those 3 hours sound like they could be nap time : ) - Ryan

  2. So what kind of homework do you have for FL 2160.... Writing, reading, dissecting the language?
    The butterfly looks surreal....almost too neon!
    Are you still carrying your sombrilla daily?
    Love, Dad

  3. So far our homework has been to dissect words. I like it though because it's like a puzzle. I ALWAYS take my sombrilla everywhere. I found that every time I didn't take it with me, it poured. Lesson learned.
