Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween (Costa Rica style)

Halloween was yesterday. Not being surrounded by ghostly decorations this past month was a little sad. Missing my favorite holiday has been one of the "bummer" parts of studying abroad.

Owl Cupcake
Fortunately we have an awesome group coordinator... we had a Halloween party Costa Rica style in the group office. We didn't dress up because we all had class or something to do after the party, but I would have been a mermaid. Isa (our coordinator) brought supplies to make owl cupcakes. She also made us quesadillas, guacamole, and beans. I ate candy, cupcakes and quesadillas with the group to celebrate Halloween this year. And it couldn't have been better.

1 comment:

  1. Maya was a mermaid! I had 50 trick or treaters. It was a nice evening. Love, Miss Ann
