Saturday, June 2, 2012

Family Vacation

I learned close to a million new things today, including how people drive in CR, what a Costa Rican squirrel looks like, and the beauty of Playa Hermosa.

First, a quick tutorial on how to drive in CR.
1. Go at least 25-45 kph over the speed limit
2. Do NOT look over your shoulder when changing lanes
3. When braking, brake hard and fast
4. Pretend like pedestrians are obstacles that you barely miss
5. ALWAYS tailgate the car in front of you
If you can master these five steps, you will be a competent driver in CR. 
Buena suerte

I learned all of my Costa Rican driving skills because I spent around six hours in the car today driving through the countryside. My host moms and I went on a little family vacation to Santa Cruz (they have a house here). Driving through the countryside was literally like driving through the rainforest. Aside from the pastures that have been cleared out for cattle and crops, huge rainforest trees surround the roads. Everything is green and beautiful. I thought it was kind of humorous that even in the middle of the rainforest/countryside/middle of no where there are areas of land that have been cleared and are dedicated to fútbol. For breakfast we stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant. I had my first breakfast of gallo pinto (a traditional dish that consists of rice and black beans) and a piece of fried cheese. It was delicious! We finally arrived in Santa Cruz. The house here is very nice. Soon after arriving we left for the beach. We went to a beautiful beach called Playa Hermosa. The ocean, the beach, everything was so perfect. Sara and I walk the entire length of the beach barefoot; we had a good conversation. I found a cool shell, too. Overall, I had a great day. 

Playa Hermosa 

A Costa Rican Squirrel (Ardilla) 
(I did not take this picture, I stole it from Google)


  1. Great post. Glad to hear you are having such a good time. Love you.

  2. Syd, wonderful post. Looks like fun. Please don't drive. :o) Uncle Kevin - I have to figure out this comment process.

  3. Sydney fun post to read! Costa rica looks beautiful. Sounds like they drive like you do...teehee.Cute squirrel! Comment process is wonky, but we will get it figured out.

  4. What great posts from you! Finally I think I know how to respond. Tomorrow I head to Fort Collins for Maya's 7th b-day and a day of celebration. Can't wait. At some point I need to tel you about my friends that have a B&B in C.R. More about that later. Thinking of you as you start classes tomorrow. Love you. Miss Ann

  5. Please remember to post your name if you comment anonymously. Thanks for the great comments!
